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Indonesia is a popular destination among travelers and if you’re visiting popular islands like Bali and Lombok, you won’t be having difficulty speaking English. However, it’s always fun to communicate with locals in their native language to get to know their culture better.

Indonesia’s local language is Bahasa — here are some useful phrases from English to Bahasa that might be helpful during your trip.

The TLDR version:

  • Indonesia is a popular destination among travelers
  • English to Bahasa: Greetings and Basics

English to Bahasa: Greetings and Basics


Hello, Hi  Halo, Hai
How are you?  Apa kabar? 
Good, not good  Baik, tidak baik 
Good morning Selamat pagi 
Good night  Selamat malam 
Goodbye Sampai jumpa
Excuse me  Permisi
Thank you Terima kasih 
Yes, no Ya, tidak
Please Silakan
You’re welcome Sama sama
I don’t understand Saya tidak mengerti
Do you speak English? Apakah kamu bisa bicara Bahasa Inggris?


Top Indonesian Phrases for Travelers
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English to Bahasa: Shopping

Indonesia’s currency is the rupiah and 1 USD is equivalent to around 14.000 IDR. While you are shopping in Indonesia you usually don’t need to use thousands and can just say 10 instead of 10k. Most of the shops will understand numbers in English but here are the numbers in Indonesian and some useful phrases that will help you to communicate in Indonesia.


How much is this?  Berapa harganya? 
100,000 rupiah (100k IDR) Ratus ribu rupiah
Too expensive  Terlalu mahal 
Can it be cheaper? Bisa lebih murah?
How much is a coffee? Berapa harga kopi?
Can I try this on  Boleh coba?
Is there any other color? Ada warna lain?
This one, that one Ini, itu 
1 Satu
2 Dua
3 Tiga
4 Empat
5 Lima
6 Enam
7 Tujuh
8 Delepan
9 Sembilan 
10 Sepuluh 
100 Ratus
1000 Ribu 


English to Bahasa: Making Friends


What is your name?  Nama kamu siapa?
My name is ______    Nama saya ______  
Nice to meet you Salam kenal 
It’s nice to see you again.   Senang bisa bertemu dengan Anda lagi.
What country are you from? Kamu dari negara mana?
I am from Australia Saya dari Australia
Cheers!   Bersulang!


English to Bahasa Top Useful Phrases
@ Courtesy of Unsplash


English to Bahasa: Directions


Turn left, turn right  Belok kiri, belok kanan 
Near, far Dekat, jauh
Go straight Lurus
Enter Masuk
Exit Keluar
Open Buka
Closed Tutup
Stop here please  Tolong berhenti disini
Where is the bathroom? Di mana toilet? 
I’m looking for.. Saya mancari.. 
Where can I find the taxi? Cari taksi dimana?


English to Bahasa Useful Phrases
© Courtesy of Unsplash


English to Bahasa: At the Restaurant


I’d like to order Saya mau pesan 
Don’t make it too spicy please Jangan terlalu pedas silakan
Delicious Enak
Do you have a menu? Apakah kamu punya menu?
Can I have the bill? Bolehkah saya minta bill?
I don’t want it spicy Saya tidak mau pedas 
I don’t want sugar Saya tidak mau gul
Can I have water? Boleh saya minta air?
Can I have ice? Boleh saya minta es?
I’m a vegetarian Saya vegetarian
Two beers please Minta dua beer boleh?



English to Sasak Language: Basic Useful Phrases 

In Indonesia, some islands have different dialects, and if you travel to Lombok and the Gili Islands you will hear their own language called Sasak. The majority of local people also speak Bahasa and in touristy areas, you can also easily communicate in English. However, for those who are interested in this language here are some useful phrases. 


Hello Helo
How are you? Jekem kembe 
Fine, thank you Matur tampi asih 
What is your name?  Sai aranm side 
My name is ______ Arank aku______  (informal) Arank tiang ______ (formal)
Nice to meet you Demen bedait dait side
Please Silak 
Thank you Tampiasih 
You’re welcome Pade pade
Yes Aoq 
No Ndeq
Do you speak English? Side bau base inggris? 
How much is this? Pire ajin?
Where is the toilet?  Mbe taoq wc


More Sources for English to Bahasa

If you wanna learn more words in Bahasa here are some useful websites for travelers where you can find useful phrases from English to Bahasa:


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About the Author

Eylul is a freelance writer. She is a passionate traveler, extreme sports enthusiast, and outdoor adventurer in her free time.