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Boracay kitesurfing, one of the sporting wonders of the world! And we’re going to tell you exactly why you can’t miss out on this windy and watery experience of a lifetime.
Boracay is known for many bountiful features: dreamy white beaches, clear blue waters, all night parties, and picture perfect sunsets. To name but a few. However, one of the aquatic wonders that gets overlooked is the Boracay kitesurfing scene.

As easy as it may be to kick off the flip-flops, throw some Mano Le Tough on the speakers, and laze the day away sunbathing, with Poseidon’s favourite playground on your doorstep you would be foolish not to take to the waters.
After all – “You’ve got to kite, for your right, to party”. Always trust the Beastie Boys.
Here we have it…
Our aquatic princes and princesses have been tearing up the waves all year round and have uncovered all you need to know about the Boracay kitesurfing scene.
So why is the Boracay kitesurfing scene blowing the minds of mermaids, scuba divers, and all those lucky enough to venture into the Philippine aquatic abyss?
There are actually a whole bundle of reasons why travelers and kitesurfers of all ages, stages, and wages make their way to the Philippines for a dose of Boracay kitesurfing.
This snapshot below only begins to paint the picture of what the Boracay kitesurfing spots have in store for you…


Boracay Kitesurfing: Why Boracay Is One Of The World’s Best

The climate in Boracay is impeccable for the sport.
Crystal clear waters, tranquil days all year round, and some very reliable winds.
Winds are of course crucial to the kitesurfing experience. The average kiteboarder will be looking for about 12mph winds to get up and riding.
During the peak season, Boracay benefits from very consistent 15mph to 26mph side shore and side-on shore winds, and has pools of very flat water; making it the perfect place for kitesurfers of all abilities.
Side shore or side-on shore winds are by far the safest winds for kitesurfing. Direct on shore winds may leave you clinging to a palm tree, while offshore winds could blow you out to sea with Captain Jack Sparrow.
There’s no two way about it…
If there had ever been a super secret Weather Forecasters Summit, it’s evident that there was a unanimous vote to elect Boracay as kitesurfing capital of the world.
So, the Boracay weather is perfect for kitesurfing. Big tick.
Next, there’s also a whole host of extremely good kitesurfing schools and experiences to choose from, which we’ll take you through later.
Furthermore, regardless of the kitesurfing, Boracay is an incredibly beautiful place that comes with endless aesthetic epiphanies and tons of alternative activities for those of you looking to try something different.
Last, and certainly not least, the local community on Boracay is incredibly welcoming and friendly. You’ll feel part of the family from the moment you step onto the island. Win-Win-Win-Win.
Okay, so to recap, that’s flawless weather, perfect facilities, endless experiences, and an island full of friendly faces.
We’d call that Boracay kitesurfing o’clock…


Boracay Kitesurfing Season: Dry Season (November to May)

If you’re planning a trip to the Philippines specifically for a stint of Boracay kitesurfing, we’d advise trying to be on the island during the Dry Season (November to May).
This is when best Boracay kitesurfing action goes down, on both Bulabog Beach and Union Beach.
These beaches are situated on the East side of the island, which benefits from a very consistent collection of winds coming to shore at speeds of 15 – 30 kts throughout the whole Dry Season.
No wetsuits necessary!
With the aforementioned cracking climate, the air and water temperatures will usually be between 25°C and 30°C.
Pack your most ostentatious bikinis and budgie smugglers ladies and gents – you’ll be showboating on the kitesurf before you know it.
No word of a lie, you actually could well be showboating well before you know it. The flatness of the water and gentleness of the winds makes it an incredibly easy place to learn.
Even the most self-proclaimed clumsy individuals in today’s audience will be riding these waves in as laissez faire fashion as Boxer demonstrates below…



Righty oh, we’ve slightly digressed. So yes, the best time for kitesurfing in Boracay is during the dry season (November to May).
However, if this doesn’t work for your itinerary, do not fear…


Boracay Kitesurfing Season: Wet Season (June to October)

There’s also plenty of opportunity to leave your name in the Boracay kitesurfing history books during the Wet Season (June to October).
Although the weather may literally be raining on your parade, it certainly won’t be doing anything of the sorts metaphorically…
The Boracay kitesurfing scene during Wet Season tends to migrate to the West side of the island, next to the pristine sands of White Beach (by name & nature).
Although this beach is arguably the most jaw dropping landscape on the island, when it comes to kitesurfing, though the winds do tend to be less consistent and lighter than the ones blowing during Dry Season.
Nonetheless, no matter when you decide to make the trip of a lifetime to Boracay, the kitesurfs and the clear blue waters will be waiting for you.


Boracay Kitesurfing: How To Pick The Best Experience

Much like you are surrounded by an endless array of tuk tuk drivers when you stumble off a sweaty bus into Phnom Penh; when you land on Boracay you’ll be met with a list of kitesurfing school options as long as Dumbledore’s beard.
The selection process is a much more tranquil negotiation than the rowdy Phnom Penh tuk tuk drivers though, the majority of the kitesurfing schools here are filled with extremely chilled and absolutely charming kitesurfing fiends.
Needless to say…
It’s certainly worth doing your research to see if there are any schools in particular that jump off the beach at you, depending on standards and your budget.
However, we’ve been a part of the furniture here for a couple of years now, and if you’re looking for guidance, our personal favourite is the Funboard Center Boracay. A.K.A – The epicentre of kitesurfing fun in Boracay.


Best Boracay Kitesurfing Schools: Funboard Center

There’s a number of reasons why they are our numero uno when it comes to kitesurfing on Boracay.
#1 – Sheer class…


Best Boracay Kitesurfing Schools: Funboard Center - Boracay Kitesurfing Essential Information – Updated 2017.
Funboard Center Boracay © Courtesy of tripadvisor


All of their kitesurfing instructors are fully certified by IKO and a number compete in the Philippine kitesurfing national team.
#2 – They are perfectly located on the north end of Bulabog Beach, renowned as one of the best kitesurfing bays in the world.
#3 – A workman can never blame his tools at Funboard…
Their equipment and gear is absolutely flawless, we’ve never had any issues and given that these kitesurfers represent their country, it’ll be the creme de la creme of equipment on the island.
#4 – Bang for your buck…
Given some of the premium kitesurfing pricing strategies around the island, Funboard are extremely reasonably priced and can tailor your experience to your budget as well as your ability.
You can get the full rundown of the variety of lessons & experiences they’ve got available right here.
Who knows, you may well end up staking a claim to fame in the Boracay International Funboard Cup…



Best Boracay Kitesurfing Schools: Freestyle Academy

In case Funboard Center is fully booked or doesn’t tickle your fancy, then Freestyle Academy is another stunning option.
Freestyle Academy is owned by Ken…


Best Boracay Kitesurfing Schools: Freestyle Academy - Boracay Kitesurfing Essential Information – Updated 2017.


Ken was Asia’s number one freestyle champion for several years. Ken’s also got a great team of kitesurfers around him.
They’ve been kiting on Boracay since 2009 and have one of the first ever IKO qualified instructors in Asia amidst their ranks.
Freestyle Academy will also take you through everything from initial kite flying on the beach, to mastering the kite skills, getting your board starts on point and finally becoming a strong independent kitesurfer.
You can get the full rundown of the variety of lessons & experiences they’ve got available right here.


Booking Kitesurfing

Don’t jump the gun…
As glorious as the climate tends to be, Mother Nature can throw out a few curve-balls every now and again so it’s usually best to wait until you’ve arrived before locking down your kitesurf.
We’ll of course be more than happy to help you out with any kitesurfing queries and mojito orders once you’ve checked in to the beachin’ Boracay paradise that is Mad Monkey.  Free kite storage and near Bulabog.


If sod’s law does come in to play and the weather isn’t what your kitesurf wanted It to be, do not worry your wetsuit one little bit…


Boracay Kitesurfing: What To Do If There’s No Wind In Your Sails

The wind in your sails.
Again, there’s a literal and metaphorical stand off with this saying amongst the Boracay kitesurfing crowd.
On the rare occasions that you can’t kitesurf because there is literally no wind in your sails, the metaphorical breeze will still be well and truly blowing you in the right direction.
The island is packed to the palm trees with loads of other really cool daytime activities and nighttime fiestas to get involved with.


Boracay Nightlife: The Best Kitesurfing Bars & Parties

Iron your dancing socks ladies and gents, because Boracay has got one hell of a nightlife scene that’s eagerly awaiting your dance-floor antics.
Whether it’s a daytime drinking session, sunset cocktails, or all night parties, we’ve got the full list of all kitesurfer drinking spots worth checking out while on the island.  For a break down of the best bars and clubs on Boracay Island take a surf over to our nightlife guide.
Including the infamous Mad Monkey Booze Cruise!



Bottoms up…
Discover all of Boracay’s hottest bars, nightclubs and drinking spots right here.


Kitesurfer Kipping Spots: Best Places To Stay On Boracay

When the kitesurfing sails are packed up and all is said and done, you’ll no doubt be looking for the best places on the island to have a good night’s kip.
With the influx of eager travelers arriving on the island’s shores, the Boracay accommodation has been erupting recently. There’s a big handful of great places to pitch up for nap time. We’ve broken them down for you here into the best budget, mid range, and luxury Boracay accommodation options for backpackers.
Sweet dreams…


What Else To Do In Boracay Other Than Kitesurfing

As we mentioned, if kitesurfing isn’t top of your hit-list, then fair play for sticking with us thus far. As a reward we’ve actually got a very juicy list of other activities you can do other than kitesurfing.
If you’re wanting to stick the waters; there’s loads of great snorkeling, scuba diving, and sailing opportunities. Back on dry land, you’ve got an experience menu to choose from that includes zorbing, ATVs, zip-lining, golf, mountain-biking, and more.
Take a look at this humongous list of things to do in Boracay for more info.


Kitesurfing On A Budget: Essential Travel Info For Backpackers On Boracay

Of course we don’t want you blowing your whole bank account on the Boracay kitesurfing experience. There’s so much more of Asia to explore! That’s why we’ve only recommended reasonably priced Boracay Kitesurfing schools, accommodation options, nightlife antics and alternative activities.
There’s always other ways to keep those purse strings tight on Boracay…
Here’s our list of extra traveler hacks on the island to make sure you don’t spend any unnecessary budget on Boracay.
Safe travels ladies and gents!

And once again, when in Boracay…




You’ve got to kite, for your right, to party!


More Articles On Boracay Kitesurfing

If this party piece has got your juices flowing, check out these other articles on the best Boracay kitesurfing options! We only recommend bloggers we read often and love:


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About the Author

Mad Monkey is Southeast Asia’s leading hostel operator — born in Cambodia with more properties in Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, Laos, and the Philippines. We pride ourselves in creating meaningful and sustainable travel experiences for our guests, whilst promoting socially responsible tourism.